Welcome to CLEST!

We cater to career counselling options and provide guidance for the same.
We have information regarding different types of career options available in each stream and allow the user to make a judgement about their best career options w.r.t to their capabilities


A short introductory video for Clest

Clest Services

After entering senior secondary education, almost every student gets perplexed by the a simple yet very important question, ‘What will I choose as my career?’. Students get confused by the amount of options available and it makes it hard for them to decide. Although in reality only a few selected career options get chosen.

There are also many people who wish to change their career because of lack of job satisfaction. We can help change that.

What We Offer

Why Clest?

This generation is the generation of technology. As things are slowly and slowly getting digitalized, it’s time that we make career counseling a digitally available service also. With that objective in mind comes Clest, dedicated to guiding its users regarding the different career options to choose from. It shall provide users, data and information regarding the career of their choice and help them find a job that genuinely interests them.

Benefits of Clest

It is evident that only certain types of jobs opportunities are considered by students. The most preferred jobs are from the Science and Commerce streams as can be analyzed from the chart.

The benefits of Clest will be reaped by the students and employed people alike. All those would want to decide upon their future career possibilities and those who wish to change their career, all such people will reap the benefits of our website.

Integrated Website

All information regarding career counselling, conducting aptitude tests, job placement and other relevant information; all would be available in one website.

Discovering Strengths and Weaknesses

The aptitude tests available in our website can help users discover their strengths and choose a career based on the result.

No Charges

There many websites that offer counselling but there are sometimes charges associated with taking tests or consultation. Also holding career counselling fairs can be expensive. However in our website, all such facilities can be availed without any such cost with just the tip of our fingers.

More Emphasis on Facts and Figures

Our website will present to its users true facts and figures w.r.t to placement opportunities and help them see success through their own eyes through examples of successful people in their fields.

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